Windows 2000-XP-Vista
A Picture speaks 1000 words. Whether you have an error on your screen you'd like to send to Technical Support, are collaborating on a group project, need to send a colleague an image of what you are working on, or just want to send a friend something funny you found on the web, Snap 'n Share lets you "speak" those 1000 words instantly, to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Capture exactly what you see on the screen. Snap 'n Share's Click and Drag capture tool lets you grab any message, region, window, widget, program, or image showing on your sceen, with ease. You can even capture the whole screen if you need. You can capture text as an image, which is very useful for posting to the web, because it preserves the font you used.
Snap 'n Share allows you to capture what you need, upload and create links for it, put it in the clipboard, save it, or start an email for you.
Screenshot uploaded and hosted instantly on the Web